Interviewing Success = ROI

If you take the time to plan your interview, you are more likely to make better hiring decisions. My clients ask me “how do you get to the top 3 candidates?” The Answer: By being consistent in my prescreening and interviews, as well as listening to each candidate speak for his or herself. The great thing is when you look up “top questions to ask”, you will get a pretty consistent list from industry experts.
This is because they really do work! When you make a better hiring decision, this will lead to improved ROI. Reduced risk of turnover Happy existing staff Team building by hiring a good fit Better customer service Save your self-repeating the process over again for the same role Just to name a few obvious ones… So here are some great tips to help you be a better interviewer:

Be prepared
Ask the candidates the same questions overall so you have a proper comparison

Listen to the answers……See Blog “listening…”

Turn off all distractions (computer, cell phone, etc.)

Interview in a different space, not your office if you can

A few great questions that will get you good information to consider

Tell me about you and why you feel this role and our company is right for you?

How did you create change in your last company and how did it impact the company?

Tell me about the best supervisor you have had and what they taught you?

How do you measure your own performance?

If I called your current supervisor, what would they tell me about you?

Be honest and let the candidates know, “We have 1 role and 20 applicants”

Always follow-up with all candidates to let them know your decision

Remember, these candidates were all existing or potential customers for your company. Treat them
with the same level of respect as your paying customers. If you do not hire them, you do not know who
will. It is all about creating a great experience for the individual and when you say YES to the “One” and
NO to the many hopeful applicants, they will feel much better about your company! Cheers to happy
hiring….check out our FREE Downloads for more tips.

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