Leadership: Answering the Call

We are all leaders in some way. Leading is everywhere in our lives; at work, in the classroom, with family
and even with a group of friends. There are many definitions and education on the subject of leadership
through books, articles, blogs and so much more.

The difference is – how are you choosing to ACT? Although the word, ‘action’ is a noun, to act indicates
that one will move through a process or perform a task that generally refers back to a goal set.

A few key questions to ask about leadership:

Do the people you lead understand their goals?
Are the organizational goals clear to the people you lead?
Do you understand the impact your leadership has on others?
Why are you a leader?
Do the people you are leading trust you?
Why should people follow you as a leader?
Have you defined the type of leader you are? Dominant – Thinker – Social – Motivational….
How do others define your leadership style?
Do you adjust according to the situation?
How do you connect with the people you are leading?

These are only a few of the key questions we all have to ask ourselves when we are leading people.
Regardless of the activity, people work for people and not companies. It is vital we take a look at
ourselves and the leaders in our organizations to ensure they have asked these questions and thought
about the answers.

If you haven’t yet answered these questions, take some time now to do so and then TAKE ACTION. Each
one of have experiences to draw upon and stories to tell; the more we leverage these constructively, the
more we learn and grow as a leader.
Enjoy the journey…

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